LINKS North Kingstown

Office Location:
Davisville Academy
50 East Court
North Kingstown, RI 02852
BCIs must be completed for each school year!
A school year runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following calendar year
All background checks (in person and by mail) performed by the
Attorney General's Office are ONLY be available at the address below:
Attorney General Julius C. Michaelson Customer Service Center
4 Howard Avenue
RI 02920
Further information can be found on the AG's website
Phone number for AG Office is 401-274-4400
To complete a BCI by mail send the following four items to the above address:
A signed and notarized release for information
A copy of one of the following photo identifications (applicants must provide a copy of both the front and back of their IDs as the Attorney General's office now scans the code on the back);
State Issued Driver's License
State Issued Identification Card
Check or money order (NO CASH) for $5.00 payable to BCI. NOTE: for those aged 62 or over there is no charge
A pre-addressed stamped envelope for return of the completed BCI to LINKS (address below).
You may also have it sent back to yourself in which case you must get it to LINKS at:
LINKS, Davisville Academy, 50 East Court, North Kingstown, RI 02852
Note you will not be notified of receipt of your BCI by LINKS
To complete a BCI in person you must visit the Attorney General's Service Center at the above address
Cost $5; no cash - for in person transactions credit/debit cards are the only form of payment accepted (fees apply)
Identification requirements are the same as for mail in applications, however forms do not need to be notarized if you appear at the AGs office in person.
Please see their website for hours of operation and additional information on fees.
If you fall into one of the following categories, please contact LINKS for the procedure as set forth by NKSD for a National BCI:
1) Non RI Resident
2) You have lived in RI for less than 1 year
3) You are chaperoning an overnight event or field trip regardless of residency
If it is necessary to use the services of the NKPD, the following procedures must be followed:
All applications must be obtained from the School Department or online.
All applications must be completed in full.
All applications must be notarized prior to submission to the police department.
Parents must obtain a copy of their operator's license either at their child's school or at home. Copies will not be made at the police department.
All applications must be accompanied with; $5.00 in cash, check, or money order. Checks and money orders should be made out to: Town of North Kingstown. The Police Department does not have the capabilities to make change.
The above requirements must all be placed in an envelope and addressed to: NKPD Records Division.
Applications may be dropped off at the Police Department at any time during the day. There is a 48 hour processing time. Applicants need to collect their background checks two days after submission from the records clerk or the police dispatcher.
If you have questions, please email
The AG's Office has directed us to have an original copy before adding volunteers to our list.
If you have your BCI sent to you, you need to get it to LINKS.
Either mail it or drop it off in person.
Our location has a secure mailbox marked "BCI Drop Off Only"
Please leave your completed BCI here
and it will be entered onto the
system in due course.